Wednesday, March 5, 2014

21-Day FIx VIdeo

21-Day Fix Workouts Breakdown

I thought I would give ya'll a breakdown of the workouts that come with the 21-Day Fix program. I know that along with the Nutrition component, I was extremely curious about the workout being a fitness junkie and all.

So I watched the 7 workouts that accompany the 21-Day Fix with the exception of the 10-Minute Ab Fix that can be done on days where you have a time crunch or after one of the other 30 minute workouts.

Well let me start off this breakdown by saying, I LOVE the format in which its presented. Every workout start with a 3 minute "Warm-up" and ends with a 3 minute "Cool-down". After the warm up, the workouts are broken into 1 minute intervals (1-2 movements like Cross Jack and Knee High or Just Plank) followed by a 20 second rest. There may be up to 5 rounds usually repeated twice.

In every workout, you are given the option to follow Kat who is performing modified versions of the exercises. I could see myself starting with her  for some moves and progressing to the more difficult version as you move through the program when my confidence and strength have improved.

Day 1 - Total Body Cardio

*This workout along with several others use weights or resistance bands (although you could do just body weight). The weight recommendation for women: Light = 3 to 5 pounds; Heavy = 8-10 pounds. Some also recommend a mat for the floor work but from watching its not necessary (for comfort with abs and plank work) Stores like Wal-Mart have individual pairs of each or sets that are reasonably priced as well as resistance bands. 

Total Body Cardio is exactly how it sounds. Although totally doable, you will maintain a elevated heart rate with exercises like crunches, squats, knee highs and jogs. 

Day 2 - Upper Fix
*Uses weights/resistance bands/weights

This is done in two rounds focusing on biceps, triceps, shoulders, chest and abs with exercises like chest press, bent rows, and plank.

Day 3 - Lower Fix
*Uses weights/resistance bands/body weight

In this workout you will focus on your lower half (thighs, butt, quads, calves) with exercises like lunges, squats, calf raises and leg lifts.

Day 4 - Pilates Fix

I would say this would be the most challenging for me. There is lots stretching as well as movements at a much slower tempo (scissors, leg lowers, hundreds) with lots of control.

Day 5 - Cardio FIx

Your cardio is done in 5 rounds that keep you heart rate elevated with exercises like lunges, mountain climbers, skater jumps, oblique work and cross jacks. Again, all exercises throughout this program have Kat providing modifications.

Day 6 - Dirty 30
*Uses weights/resistance bands/body weight

While watching the Dirty 30, I couldn't help but think of Richard Simmons yelling "FEEL THE BURN" due to the fact that the exercises have some intensity involved (sumo squats, tricep kickbacks, and side planks)

Day 7 - Yoga Fix

I love the fact that this comes at the end of your fitness week. It allows your body to absorb all you have done during the week with some wonderful stretching like (triangle pose, bow pose, and tree pose.

**There is an option during your last week of the program to double up on your workouts from Day 15-21. A suggested outline is provided.

I hope this helps some of you who were/are on the fence about 21-Day Fix. If you have any questions about the program or ordering, please email me or click the link below for ordering.


Monday, March 3, 2014

21 Day-FIx Initial Impressions

So I have had some time to really absorb and process the 21-Day Fix program. I have had great results with the Les Mills programs like BodyPump, BodyCombat, BodyFlow (at local fitness studio) and ChaLEAN. I will admit to you that clean eating is a struggle for me. Though I don't go crazy with my eating choice, it can get difficult when you live in Southeast Louisiana and just about everything is deep-fried or smothered in butter.

Even though I have 7 weeks left of my second pregnancy, I am a natural/sometimes obsessive planner. I purchased 21-Day Fix as my post-baby plan because it will be a while before I can get back to some group fitness (which is my favorite). 

I am so excited to put this program into play. I couldn't wait and had to study the program and get my game plan together. Your container allowance per day is calculated based on your weight and the average of 400 calories burned per fix workout.  Then you are given a range you need to stay in!

For me, I am in the 1,200 to 1,499 calorie range! That gives me 3 green (veggies) 2 purple (fruits), 4 Red (protein) 2 Yellow (starchy carbs) 1 Blue (nuts, ect) 1 Orange (nuts and dressings) 2 spoons (nut butters, olive oil). 

Then, each container has a breakdown with foods in order of high nutritional importance. *Remember variety is important for your body. I found each list to have a good variety of choices.

I do not intend to eat out of the container due to my allotment requires more than one servings of some. I do plan to use them as measuring devices. I did take time to look at each list and document my favorites in each category to make it easier to create my shopping list. Below is just a sample:

I do intend to incorporate Shakeology into this program. You will notice it would count for one of my reds for the day.

Sweet treats are also allowed. There is a section that shows you the container equivalent as well as provides some very delicious looking recipes like banana oatmeal cookies (1-yellow container).

I don't know about you but my brain doesn't function without its daily dose of coffee. In this plan there is a section called "The Tea and Coffee Bar". This is were there are 3 provided list "Just say no!", "Just say 1-2 cups a day!" and "Go for it". I was super pumped to learn that my morning cup of joe with Stevia  and a Tbsp of low-fat milk with in the approved category.

Also this program includes a wonderful restaurant guide for those nights when the family is being treated for something special. It includes items like pizza, lasagna, variety of soups, chinese choices, and tacos with their container equivalence (1/4 of 12" cheese pizza = 1-yellow container and 1-orange container)

The program also provides recipes for each container as well as dressings, treats, Shakeology.

So I know what your thinking, HOW AM I GOING TO KEEP TRACK OF ALL THIS!!! Luckily BeachBody made it easy for you!  On the Team Beachbody site there are tracking sheets that you can put your container allowance at the top and you can tally each meal of the day and check of what you have! This really gives you a visual to follow.

For me, (no secret) I'm a planner so I made myself a color coded chart that i customized for my range/container allotments where I plug in exactly what I am going to eat for the week. When I am done with the planning/shopping I stick it on the fridge, so I don't forget what I am making.  This makes my life so much easier.  No standing in front of the fridge each night wondering what to make because as a mom/teacher free time is precious!!!

Here is a sample of my meal plan:

Here are the tracking sheets from the TeamBeachBody site:
Like I mentioned before I will be full-swing into this program as soon as I deliver. I just wanted togive you my initial impressions. I am so pumped about this program. I have associated who are doing the program and not only are they seeing results in their appearance but they are feeling incredible. 

If you would like more information about the program/ordering, click below: